+Psico APP: UX Research

The project aimed to enhance pandemic-era psychology accessibility, utilizing the Double Diamond methodology and UX tools. Research, benchmarking, and surveys informed a focus on optimizing telemedicine for vulnerable Brazilians' mental health. Prototyping, using paper sketches and low-fidelity designs in Figma, led to a refined telemedicine platform after the first usability test. The outcome significantly improves mental health access for vulnerable populations in Brazil.

Desk Research
User Interview
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research




This project's goal was to come up with a way to make psychology more accessible during the pandemic while taking into account both patients and psychologists as well as all the factors applied to this particular moment.



Before moving on to the following steps, we quickly analyze the leading market competitors to understand their advantages and the best possible opportunities.



Based on the certainties through the above scenario, we raised some certainties, suppositions and doubts about the users. For this, we arranged our ideas using the CSD technique (Certainties, Assumptions, and Doubts), which helped us identify what needed to be confirmed in the future through more study.


Prioritizing the most crucial information to be discovered was essential in light of the uncertainties and suppositions. To determine which hypotheses should be validated, we use the Impact and Knowledge Matrix. With the hypothesis that we would know less and have a bigger impact on the project, it was possible to arrange the questionnaire in this way.

When targeting resources and time, a good direction of where to focus efforts is necessary. Therefore, we focused on the points that would generate the greatest impact for the product, but we had little knowledge about them. In this way, we assess:

1 — “Would fully remote work make lower consultation fees possible?”.

This hypothesis is considered of great impact because dealing with “telemedicine” means specifically dealing with online consultations. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand whether a purely digital scenario is possible and would justify reducing the price of consultations.

2 — “Most patients would choose online appointments as long as the consultation fee was lower.”.

One of the problems presented by the user is the price. Associated with the convenience of virtual service, we believe that it is a good alternative solution, once there is a reduction in the costs of maintenance of the psychologist.

3 — “The psychologist can work only remotely”.

Complementing the previous hypothesis, one of our certainties is that there are other important and costly factors for the maintenance of a physical office. Therefore, we believe that cost reduction is necessary for better acceptance in reducing the cost of care, seeking to solve one of the problems presented by the user.

4 — “Would a system where the patient could autonomously schedule his appointments justify not needing a secretary?”

In a face-to-face office, there is often the figure of an assistant, or secretary, which means a cost to the existing ones for the maintenance of the space. In this way, it is important to understand how important/necessary this figure is.

5 — “Would psychologists be up to offer social consultations/ appointments within the platform to get a discount on the monthly fee?”

The practice of social consultation is already applied by many psychologists, so there was an opportunity to use the increase in these consultations to justify a more accessible value to the platform.

6 — “There are bureaucratic issues beyond CRP involved in a psychology office.”

It is important to understand all existing needs to maintain an office. Also, that organization is critical to success in a digital environment. Therefore, we needed to make sure that there were other issues besides scheduling appointments, as a way to understand some of the pain of psychologists.

7 — “Can people identify when they are experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression?”

From quick research and our experiences, we know that there is a triage with patients, which happens in the first consultation, to better understand the patient's pain and the best approach by the psychologist. However, one of the pains that we seek to solve is the amount applied for consultations and, since the screening can be done via an application (answering what you feel, etc.), not occupying the (paid) space of the first consultation, we would be able to make it possible our users’ time and patient savings. Therefore, it is important to know the level of perception of patients regarding this type of condition.

8- “Is the fee for in-person and remote consultations the same?”

Important to define the solution approach. If the value of queries is the same regardless of type, it is necessary to dig deeper to find out how we could reduce the value for remote queries.

Quantitative Research

A questionnaire was applied for three days and had 35 responses from patients and 24 from psychologists, from which we evaluated the previous hypotheses:

Although validated, some issues needed to be deepened for a better understanding, especially regarding the values considered as higher than the price by the patients and the scenarios where there would be greater price flexibility on the part of psychologists, since we noticed a polarization regarding migration for the digital service, 58.3% said it was not possible to attend only remotely, against 41.7%. Thus, it was seen the need to apply qualitative research.

Qualitative Research

For this phase, we selected some users to be interviewed. Participants who answered the questionnaire and made themselves available for future contact were contacted and the interview took place in the most favourable way for them, using audio messages on WhatsApp, e-mail and telephone conversation.

Thus, we seek to understand:

a) From the patients:

  1. What values would be above the price when choosing a professional;

  2. What would be the main impediment (such as equipment, space to be alone, discomfort, etc.) to participating in an online consultation with the psychologist? — Directed to participants who responded that they do or would do online therapy;

  3. Which factors caused the increase in stress and fatigue during the quarantine, 58.8% of the people interviewed answered that they felt more stressed and tired during this period. — Targeted participants who responded with a rate of 4 or 5 regarding increased levels of stress and tiredness;

  4. As for reliability on a platform with several registered professionals, who would indicate which would be the most appropriate for the individual (according to their complaints and preferences. — For those who responded, seek referrals from friends and family when looking for a new professional.

b) From the psychologists:

  1. The reasons why 58.3% of the interviewees answered that it was not possible to carry out consultations only remotely;

  2. Whether bureaucratic issues beyond CRP can be managed digitally;

  3. What benefits would justify the reduction or discount in the price of online consultations, since 62.5% of the psychologists interviewed said they charged the same price for online and face-to-face consultations and 20.8% believed that lower expenses with physical office would not justify a reduction in the value of online sessions and;

  4. The availability of some social consultations would be a good “bargaining currency” so that psychologists who are irreducible about migrating to a “digital office” and/or reducing the price of online consultations, have access to a specialized digital platform that covers an amount proportional to the number of registered patients.


With the deepening of the subjects covered in the interviews, we obtained the following lessons:

a) From the patients:

  1. They understand that the “connection” is the most important factor, even above the price, however, they consider the price when they go looking and cited values above 100 reais as “expensive” due to the current situation of unemployment or fear of unemployment;

  2. Surprisingly, 60% would not have any difficulties with online service, including technical difficulties (such as the internet). The other interviewees unanimously claimed that they find it difficult to be alone;

  3. They believe that the increase in stress is due to the loss of their “escapes”, like a bar with friends. Even though the quarantine makes them face daily problems “head on”, with no escape and the home office brought the feeling of always being at work;

  4. They would trust the platform, except for ensuring that there is not much time between returns (next consultation) and selection of professionals based on time of experience and user feedback;

b) From the psychologists:

  1. Consultations only in the online modality are a possibility depending on the type of patient, however many do not see it as an option to choose. Dealing with schizophrenic and suicidal patients, for example, is more difficult and even not recommended, in many cases, remotely;

  2. In addition to the CRP bureaucracy, there are health issues, with ANVISA, equipment maintenance and permissions with the city hall, however, it depends on the number of professionals and type of assistance;

  3. Once again polarized, it is believed that the price reduction could be considered with reduced sessions and even less time needed between sessions;

  4. Although the ethical issue behind social assistance has been raised, it is believed that it would be a possible justification for reducing the price of consultations in exchange for a more affordable value for a digital platform. It was also said that there is already flexibility in the price per profile and the question of the retirement of self-employed professionals was raised.

Check out the +Psico APP: UI case, where I show the deepening of the interface part, the next step for the results presented in this case.

For contact, questions, suggestions and criticism, find me on LinkedIn.


🙋🏻‍♂️ - Hey, since I value your time, I've decided to present the project in three parts so you can skip to the sections you're most interested in if you like.

Part 1: UX Design

Part 2: You’re here!

Part 3: UI Design

Current scenario

The Brazilian populace has been through a revolution since 2019, prompted by the new COVID-19 pandemic, and forced to adapt to the online world where remote care has been legal since 2020. Problems like anxiety and depression that already existed in this new setting were significantly more evident.

“During the pandemic, the situation worsened: a study carried out by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) revealed a 90% increase in cases of depression. The number of people with anxiety attacks and symptoms of acute stress practically doubled between March and April 2020.”

Even though before the COVID-19 epidemic, Brazil was already one of the top countries in the world for stress, depression, and anxiety cases, the rising figures emphasize how important it is to continue receiving psychological support in the face of such a pressing need in adaptation.

The IBGE estimates that the country's worst average unemployment rate occurred during the pandemic and will affect 13.4 million people by 2020.

As a result, the population in this scenario is worried about the possibility of losing their jobs.

On the one hand, this has led to a rise in the number of people who need psychiatric treatment but are either unable to pay for it or are not aware that they do. On the other hand, some psychologists work across various platforms and are attempting to figure out how to best adapt to the environment that is primarily digital and the way their patients are arranged while emphasizing the importance of ongoing psychological care.

Roles and Responsabilities

  • Desk research and benchmarking/ competitors analysis

  • User research and analysis of prioritization

  • User experience design

  • Alternative solutions and visual design

  • Usability tests